(Strategic) Networking - from chore to fun priority

Date: 10.05.2023
Time: 15:00 – 17:00
Location: DKFZ
Instructors: Marion Gürth & Barbara Janssens
Language: English
Participants: 30

The importance and positive effects of networking are obvious:
It enables collaborations, can open doors, facilitates career orientation and career transition.
Regardless of this, it is too often perceived as a chore - we tend to let it slide, procrastinate and nothing happens.
In this interactive workshop, we want to encourage you to get started.
There is nothing to lose but a lot to win!
We will share and discuss hands-on tips and tricks on how to prepare for networking conversations, how to approach people best and how to follow-up to create long lasting relationships.
A good start for effective networking is curiosity (which comes naturally to all scientists) and a mindset that everyone can learn to adopt.
You will systematically analyze your already existing network (there is more than you might think!) and work on a strategy for using your network more effectively and expanding it in a targeted manner.
Most importantly, you will have the chance to practice network conversations with your peers in a safe environment to eventually discover the fun aspects of it.