How to plan and start your career? How to apply successfully for a job? The CONTACT2023 fair offers you different workshops on these and other questions. Workshops are hosted in either online or in small groups in a relaxed atmosphere and are completely free of charge.

In addition, two job fair preparation courses will be offered to specifically prepare interested people for job fairs.

If you have registered and won’t be able to join, please let us know as soon as possible to pass the seat to another person (write an email to workshops [at] at least 30 minutes before the workshop starts).

We kindly ask you to only register for one of the offered workshops, to ensure that as many people as possible benefit from the offered services.

For further information, please contact us at workshops [at]

You can also find the workshop program in our catalog.


In order to ensure maximum benefit for each participant, the number of seats per workshop and preparation courses is limited. Slots may therefore be booked in advance.

For on-site workshops, please meet in the DKFZ foyer 15 minutes in advance of the respective workshop session. Seats of no-shows will be passed on to the waiting list. Please also check with the BioContact Team in the DKFZ foyer for wokshop vacancies.

For online workshops be sure to login on time with the information given to you after successful registration.

Online Registrations are closed.

However, you can still sign up for free slots during the event. Just come by our help desk.

Workshop titleLanguageOrganizer
(Strategic) Networking - from chore to fun priority

10.05.2023 | 15:00 – 17:00 | Marion Gürth & Barbara Janssens | DKFZ | 30 participants
Gehaltsverhandlungsseminar für Berufseinsteiger:
Lerne deinen Marktwert kennen & souverän kommunizieren –
und verdiene, was du wert bist!

10.05.2023 | 14:30 – 17:30 | Maimuna Seck & Alexander Glatz l DKFZ | 20 Teilnehmer:innen
Networking – Analysis, Design and Maintenance of the individual Contact Network

10.05.2023 | 16:00 – 17:30 | Dominik Saulér |
DKFZ | 20 participants
Bridging the gap - from science to action

10.05.2023 | 10:00 – 12:00 | Dr. Aline Weis & Dr. Isabel Wagner | DKFZ | 12 participants
Todsünden bei Bewerbung und Berufsstart

10.05.2023 | 12:30 – 14:30 |
DKFZ | 20 Teilnehmer:innen
Everyday life as a consultant: Evaluate an early-stage drug opportunity!

10.05.2023 | 10:30 – 12:00 | Leonie Kohlhammer & Dr. Sarah Oelsner | DKFZ | 20 participants
A day in the life of a Project Manager

10.05.2023 | 13:00 – 15:00 | Dr. Morna Gruber & Dr. Marta Lee | DKFZ | 20 participants
How to impress at an Interview

10.05.2023 | 11:00 – 12:30 | Anneke Janz & Michelle Feuser | DKFZ | 30 participants
Case Cracking Workshop – ZS Associates

10.05.2023 | 13:00 – 14:30 | Lucy Carter & Falko Greif-Meisner | DKFZ | 20 participants
Opportunities in the CDMO Business on APIs and Drug Products

10.05.2023 | 13:00 – 14:00 | Karlheinz Kelsch |
DKFZ | 20 participants
Job application

10.05.2023 | 10.00-10.30 | Dr Branko Woischwill |
DKFZ | 30 participants