BioContact e.V. not only uses the proceeds from the organisation of the CONTACT job fair to maintain the association, but also to support charitable projects. Every year, we set ourselves the goal of donating a portion of our proceeds and thus making a positive contribution to our society.
Doing good together: Our donation for charitable projects
Below you can find a selction of the past charitable projects the BioContact e.V. supported.

Season 2024/25
The Forest Pirates Camp is a facility run by the Deutsche Kinderkrebsstiftung, a foundation supporting children with cancer and their families. In order to better cope with their diseases affected children may stay in this camp for some time participating in different programs tailored to their needs. Camp participants may choose between adventure-based experiences such as climbing, hiking or canoeing, with the focus being put on group experiences. BioContact e.V. supports the Forest Pirates Camp.

Season 2023/24
The Amalie advice center supports women in prostitution by offering them confidential and anonymous advice in all situations. In addition to medical and social help, the individual needs and dignity of each woman are at the centre of their work.

Season 2023/24
Familienherberge Lebensweg gGmbH provides families with seriously ill or disabled children with valuable moments of relief. By providing short-term accommodation for the whole family, the organisation enables parents and siblings to relax while the sick child is looked after with the utmost care.
Season 2022/23
Stiftung Kinder forschen was formerly known as Haus der kleinen Forscher
Season 2021/22
Stiftung Leben mit Krebs
Other community engagement
As in previous years, our members joined various sporting events not only to strengthen our team spirit but also to support fund-raising campaigns including those organized by the Nationale Centrum für Tumorerkrankungen (National Center for Tumor Diseases, or NCT) Heidelberg.

NCT Charity Run
Together with over 4,500 other participants, BioContact volunteers joined the 6th NCT Charity Run to raise funds for cancer research.
Dragon Boat Race
Participating in the 12th Dragon Boat Race organized by the Wassersportclub 1931 Heidelberg-Neuenheim e.V. (Water Sports Club 1931 Heidelberg-Neuenheim, or WSC) was not only a great team-building event, but also lots of fun.

Rowing against Cancer
The charity regatta Rowing against Cancer is jointly organized by the Stiftung Leben mit Krebs (Living with Cancer foundation), the National Center for Tumor Diseases (NCT) Heidelberg, and the Rudergesellschaft Heidelberg 1898 e.V. (Rowing Society Heidelberg 1898, or RGH). The proceeds of the charity regatta are for the benefit of the Bewegung und Krebs (Movement and Cancer) research program established by the NCT.
Since 2014, BioContact e.V. has proudly supported a day-care center for children, founded by the Klaus-Tschira-Kompetenzzentrum für frühe naturwissenschaftliche Bildung (Klaus Tschira Center of Excellence for Scientific Education in Early Childhood) in the Heidelberg district Bahnstadt. The Research Station is aiming to provide children with an understanding of scientific phenomena, thereby instilling their curiosity and joy in life sciences.