BioContact e.V. was founded in Heidelberg in the summer of 2000 by PhD students and former doctoral students of the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ). Every year PhD students and Postdocs from various surrounding institutes such as the Max Planck Institute (MPI) for medical research, the University Hospital Heidelberg and institutes of the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg, join BioContact e.V. as new members. At the moment BioContact e.V. is run by around 30 active members.
Our goal is to provide a platform for young scientists to get in touch and establish networks with industrial companies from the field of life science, medicine and pharmaceutics. In doing so, we aim to provide young scientists with potential career paths and help them to intensify their contacts with potential future employers.
Through our "in CONTACT with" company presentations organized several times a year we offer companies the opportunity to present themselves as an attractive future employer to a highly skilled audience. Renowned international companies such as Merck, Sanofi, Roche, Abbott, Procter & Gamble, Sandoz; consultancies such as Scitaris, Catenion, McKinsey & Company, and Bain & Company; scientific publishers like Springers and many others have successfully presented themselves in the past. Additionally, we organize career-oriented seminars and workshops. The upcoming "in CONTACT with" and all other events can be found in our event calendar.
The life science job fair CONTACT is the main event organized by BioContact e.V. each year. The purpose is to directly bring company representatives and scientists together on the premises of the DKFZ in Heidelberg. Here, international life science companies but also startups, publishers, job portals, and a wide range of other interesting companies present themselves with information booths, company presentations and workshops. With great support from the German Cancer Research Center, the CONTACT job fair became one of the most successful life science job fairs in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan area.
We are proud to have held 22 CONTACT job fairs since the founding of BioContact e.V.